Design Sprints & Packages


Design Sprint 2.0
4 days

Gain a sneak peek into the future with this updated, improved and shorter version of the original five-day Design Sprint. You go from a problem to one possible solution and test it with real people in just four days. Air New Zealand, Xero, Vodafone, Les Mills and countless others are proof that sprints deliver what users want.

Iteration Sprint 2.0
3 to 4 days

A short follow-up sprint to a Design Sprint to further understand user feedback, and rework, refine and retest a Week 1 prototype. Capitalise on user testing feedback, refine outcomes, advance prototyping and create a polished solution to take to market.

Strategy Sprint
< 1 day

Energise, excite and engage your talent with this blend of Design Sprint and visual canvas work. Pivot to new opportunities or create the Next Big Thing. Define strategic direction, identify priorities and metrics, and set goals and objectives. Assign actions and owners for an immediate start.

Brand Sprint
1/2 day

Turn abstract ideas into six key brand elements. Develop a clear, concise, and compelling brand and brand story. Share how your brand looks and acts with a vision and language that connects with customers.

Growth Sprint
1/2 to 1 day

Boost your organisation’s growth efforts with this short sprint. Develop concrete actions to acquire, motivate and retain customers. Reduce uncertainty with short-term experiments. Find the sticky solutions that attract business and create loyalty.

Lightning Decision Jam
< 90 mins

Perfect for those times when you know the problem but don’t have the answer. Define and solve almost any challenge or problem. Make the shift from uncertainty to action with people, Post-Its and Sharpies – and virtually no talking! With an LDJ, you identify problems, generate solutions, weigh impact vs effort and assign actions and owners – all in under an hour and a half!